
Identity Verification Platform

Secure your identity with our reliable verification platform today.

Efficient, Accessible, Streamlined

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ID Verification for Compliance.

Adhere to regulatory standards including KYC, KYB, and AML, ensuring compliance with directives impacting your business operations and financial activities.

Secure systems to prevent fraud.

Utilize AI-driven biometric recognition for customer ID verification. iDenfy's team conducts thorough manual audits, ensuring high-quality identity verification processes.

Reduce onboarding costs efficiently.

Save up to 70% onboarding costs by paying only for successful ID verifications. Prevent fraudulent accounts to increase the volume of quality customers.

Combatting All Forms of Fraud

Scanscam safeguards startups, financial institutions, and digital services through a three-tiered identity verification system, effectively thwarting serious identity fraud.

Forged documents

Scanscam performs technical assessments to identify fraud and ensure the precision of information in online ID verification processes.

Compromised documents

We employ a comprehensive approach to ID verification, utilizing both AI algorithms and meticulous manual checks to confirm user authenticity with precision.

Stolen / expired documents

In a mere 0.02 seconds, our system swiftly detects stolen or expired documents and performs identity information extraction with unparalleled efficiency.

Blocklisted documents

Immediately prevent fraudulent attempts by including blocked documents, selfies, or contact details in the verification process.

Active / passive verification

Employ 3D liveness verification as mandated by compliance standards, while passive verification is applied in other instances.

Pay per approval.

Scanscam provides complimentary document verification, slashing ID verification expenses by up to 75% compared to alternative solutions.

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